Wednesday, 26 October 2011


Hey guys I'm blogging again,
So today i really wanted to blog about a different topic but this has really been on my mind for abit and it has kind of got me in a state where this was the only thing i was thinking about so i guess i could put it all down on the blog. What ever i have in my mind is being put onto this right now and i guess this is a different type of blog for me because i haven't really done a blog without thinking about it for at least a tiny bit so yeh as i said, this will be different. So we take beliefs as a pretty light thing in this world but you know, some people are really into their beliefs and if they strongly believe in something then i don't understand why others have to take it away from them and tell them that there belief is a dumb one. I mean if a person believes in something, they should go with it. It could be hard because doing something different these days is a huge thing, because there are alot of people out there who would throw out a comment without thinking of that person, I actually happen to be one of those people sometimes. I'll say something and around 20 minutes later i'll think "Wow, i can't believe what i said." and there are plenty of people out there like that. So when someone throws that comment out they don't really know how that person feels and they kind of shrug it off, but really, you've just told someone, that what they believe in strongly, is a bunch of crap and they've probably believed in this thing for their whole life, or close to it. So what i'm trying to say to all those people who are kind of like me and think they're cool by throwing these comments, you got to take a step back and think because i'm sure you all have beliefs as do i, and i really wouldn't like it if someone told me my beliefs were stupid and to all those people that go to a different directions from others, hats off to you.
Wow, my wrists hurt, that was some intense typing right there, yeh as i said before i just destroyed my keyboard, i did have another idea for a blog but i guess that's a another story for another day.