Tuesday 19 April 2011


Hey guys, im blogging again. I still don't know how often ill be posting these blogs up. But today ill be talking about haters. Sometimes I'm a hater and sometimes I'm not. i mainly hate justin bieber and rebecca black. but everyone hates rebecca black so that doesnt count. but anyways some haters are just annoying. i mean for example if justin bieber makes a song and its popular and millions love it, and 1000 people say they hate it, do you think justin bieber is gonna quit because of those 1000 or will he continue making songs for the millions. So basically what im saying is, haters, make your point once and shutup after that. im not saying i love justin bieber and trust me i dont, no male does, but i dont "hate" him. i dislike him very much... girls, stop worshiping him like he's some god, because he isnt and guys stop hating the shit out of him because he didnt do anything wrong. wait im talking about justin bieber now...... this was supposed to be about haters. Oh well i think i made a pretty valid point anyways. So that's it for now guys as i said im not sure how often ill be posting these blogs up so im not sure when ill be posting another one of these things, but there really fun to do so yeh... thats it for now. Comment and stay tuned for my next blog

Check out Eksaths blog: http://coolstoryhansel1.blogspot.com/
Also Check out: http://ilikesupporting.blogspot.com/ (I was his inspiration and ive this is only my second blog)


  1. hah that's so true. im a guy and i think this is 100% true. especially about the girls stop worshiping justin bieber like a god.

  2. Nice blog man :)

  3. Hey sweet blog dude.
    thanks for recomending me :)
    ill do the same in every one of my blog
